Tips for a Fearless Visit to the Dentist

Ever since you were a young child, you’ve been afraid of the dentist in North Liberty, Iowa. The reasons for your fears include a terrible experience or two during treatment and a care specialist whom you just didn’t enjoy visiting. However, dental care is essential for your overall health, and you swallow your pride and go […]

Dental Care Hacks That Will Keep Your Teeth Strong

Your teeth need to be protected from a broad array of issues, but it can be hard to fully understand how to offer this protection in a focused and reasonable way. So if you’re worried about your dental health and need steps to ensure that you protect yourself properly, make sure to read through this […]

Braces and Dental Hygiene

Braces do more than just make your smile look fabulous. They are an investment in strong, healthy teeth. You avoid unnecessary wear on teeth that are properly aligned. Feel free to ask Dr. Stephanie Nowysz, your dentist in Iowa City, how eliminating crowded or overlapping teeth helps make cleaning teeth an easier task and can […]

Can You Use CBD Oil To Help Children Suffering From Dental Pain

It is natural for children to experience some pain when losing teeth. However, if their suffering becomes prolonged, it may be time to look into pain management options. If your child is suffering from chronic dental pain, CBD oil can be very effective for pain relief. If you want to learn more about the possible […]

Family Dentists

The family dentists Iowa City admires would like to talk to you about what they can do for you and your family. From your very first dental appointment up through the teen years and adulthood, family dentists provide reliable dental care. Dentists in Iowa City can meet all the goals and dental needs of your […]

Periodontitis is as Serious as it Sounds

During the course of your regular dental exam, it may be discovered that your gum disease has progressed to the point that bone loss has occurred. X-rays reveal a gap between teeth and gums where bacteria have gathered. The result is inflammation caused by chronic infection. At this point, your dentist may stop to explain why […]

Dentist Tips that Make Kids Smile

Children often struggle to go to a dentist in Iowa City, Iowa, because they find them scary or for other reasons that may be hard for many parents to combat. However, there is a growing movement among parents to find high-quality and fun ways to make kids enjoy getting dental care. Though it may not be possible […]

Correct Crooked Teeth with ClearCorrect from Classic Smiles

At Classic Smiles, we make sure to offer the friendliest and highest quality of care for our patients. That is why Iowa City always chooses us as one of the greatest and most family-friendly orthodontist options. We are currently accepting new patients and will do all we can to restore your confidence with our wonderful […]

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